In this letter we will explore the theme of true value creation in an economic context, and how we see this impacting the wider investable world, our investment strategy and the long-term investment opportunities for our Ownership Capital portfolio.
Responsible Investor reports on recent investments in Ownership Capital from US and UK foundation and endowment clients, including Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the McKnight Foundation. The article highlights the alignment between Ownership's strategy and the long-term considerations facing institutional fiduciaries. (subscription required)
This article from Responsible Investor details the McKnight Foundation's commitment to impact investing, including awarding a recent mandate to Ownership Capital. (subscription required)
In this article, McKinsey explores the most pressing issues confronting institutional investors when integrating ESG into their investment strategies. The authors highlight Ownership Capital as having one of the most innovative approaches to ESG integration.
In this journal article, Alex van der Velden and Otto van Buul of Ownership Capital detail the philosophy, process, and results of their Ownership Investing strategy at PGGM, with a focus on how ESG integration and active engagement lead to better long-term investment results.
The Environment Agency Pension Fund (EAPF) is an open, active pension fund with liabilities into the next century. Young new members coming into the Fund may not retire until 2065, and will be drawing a pension for many years after that. This means that we genuinely have a long term perspective on investment – for us successful investments are ones that deliver over decades rather than weeks.
In this edition of The Ambachtsheer Letter (generously made available by KPA Advisory Services), pension expert Keith Ambachtsheer explores three approaches to active investing, highlighting the integrated strategy of Ownership Capital.
This report by the UN PRI - of which Ownership Capital CIO Alex van der Velden is the Chair of the Listed Equity Advisory Committee - aims to guide investors who are implementing ESG integration into their investment processes. It includes a case study on active company engagement by Francois Schockaert, a Portfolio Manager at OC.
This HBR article describes the widespread agreement on the need for public companies to build long-term value and the urgent and critical role for large asset owners such as pension funds, mutual funds and insurance firms in helping chart this new and more sustainable course.
Ownership Capital partners TPT Retirement Solutions and EAPF awarded 2016 climate change awards
2016 was an important year for two of Ownership Capital's founding investor partners, with both continuing to demonstrate their leadership in long-term strategic planning. The French Ministry of Environment and 2° investing initiative have awarded the EAPF, the best reporting award for the assessment of climate risks and TPT Retirement Solutions was named one of the two best investors for climate reporting.
CIO Alex van der Velden is quoted in FTfm on tackling short-termism. (subscription required)
CIO Alex van der Velden is here quoted in an FT article on fossil-fuel companies. (subscription required)
Observations by EAPF on their Sustainable Global Equity Managers search, which led to an investment in Ownership Capital.
CIO Alex van der Velden is consulted in this FT article which details MSCI analysis revealing widespread use of tax havens and other minimisation strategies in developed markets.
Ownership Capital reveals some details behind its inital round of investment, which includes 3 UK pension funds - the UK Unilever Pension Fund, The Pensions Trust and the Environment Agency Pension Fund.
IPE reports on the Environment Agency Pension Fund's investment in Ownership Capital, detailing how the pension fund was particularly attracted by Ownership Capital's commitment to stewardship and responsible investment.
This AI-CIO article details the initial group of Ownership Capital's UK Institutional Investor Clients.